Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

EY 1 Venus

For the period of 2012/ 2013 school year, I was with EY 1 Venus. I love this class much. Things happened with all happiness, sadness, cries or even more in this class. At first, it's kinda hard thing to do with the students since my partner and I didn't get to know all our students' characters. We were struggling to handle some students who firstly got familiar with schooling matters. Cries happened to one or two students while teaching activity was being carried on. After school, it was such a tiring thing and we needed more supplement to consume in order to keep our body healthy. We really considered that they were just 4 years old students who started to learn their emotion. Finally, several months with the classroom agreement we could handle all the students. 
Actually, they are all great students with different characters and interest. They respect and apply the classroom agreement even though they sometimes need reminders. Everyday we draw different stories to share and don't know what will happen tomorrow or the next day. We're just waiting. 

Well, I just realize every year I will have new students with new characters. So, my previous students (EY 1 Thinkerbell) were so different with my students right now. Certainly, my students right now will be different with my future students. What I can do is enjoying my time and letting all things happen.. 


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